Monday, April 14, 2008

What a Weekend!

I had a busy weekend! You all know about mine and Jove's trip to the stores and parks. That was fun!

And then yesterday, I met one of Jove's sisters--Maggie.

She was purty nice! We went to the stores again really quickly so mommy could have my easy walk adjusted (but then she still took it off of me...!)

And then we went for a long walk on the Rail Trail!

I loved that! I got to meet lots of new doggies and Maggie and I got to do some girl talks and mommy got some exercise!
Except, at the end, I really wanted mommy to hurry up to get back into the car--my furs are shorts, not long like Sid's!!

We had fun though--and boy am I pooped!

Today we just relaxed!

Oh, and I played with toys of course!!

Tomorrow Mommy has schools, but Daddy will be able to spend time with me! Then Wednesday Mommy and Daddy and I will get to spend more times together!

Oh, and look to the right to see an essay my mommy found on a discussion board--it's about doggies finding good homes! We like it a lot and if anyone knows the author, please tell us!

Well, nows I gots to help mommy with her homework, we'll talk later!!

1 comment:

The Thuglets said...

Hello Josie..we thought we would drop by and meet!
We are so pleased you have found a lovely new home with Sid and his hoomans. Looks like you are settling in nicely.

Great photos..w'll stop by and see u again soon.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets +2